Canadian International School in Kosovo
Shkolla Ndėrkombėtare Kanadeze nė Kosovė

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The first and the only!

CIS Kosovo is the first and the only ESL school in Kosovo and the region to offer English as a foreign language instruction and programmes of Canadian-like standards.

Through the Canadian International Studies College, our school is also the first and the only ESL school in Kosovo and the region, which is internationally recognized as an institutional member of the UK College of Teachers (British Education Institute, UK) and the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL, based at Darwin College, University of Kent, UK). As an affiliate of CIS College, member of these prestigious international institutions, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of professionalism and business ethics in all of our educational activities.


Special during the summer?

During the summer, our school will usually bring in guest teachers (ESL instructors, English graduates, or grad students) from the United States, Canada, and/or United Kingdom whose native language in English. These guest teachers will help our students improve their communication skills in English.



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